Digital Inclusion Classes

What we offer

  • We offer different kinds of courses aimed at increasing the digital autonomy of residents and refugees. We want Luxembourg to be 100% digitally inclusive!
  • All our courses are available for free.
  • Find out which courses we teach:
  • At our weekly Open Classroom drop-in sessions, everyone can get support for any IT related issues, as well as scan and print personal documents.
  • Strengthen your language skills by accessing intuitive language learning software in your home with our Language Lab.
  • The Volunteer Learning Programme offers the chance for volunteers to learn practical computer maintenance skills while helping us refurbish donated computers for distribution.


  • All of our courses take place in our premises, at 16, rue d’Epernay, L-1490 Luxembourg.
  • Click here for a map


To register for a class, click on and follow the instructions.

All Digital Inclusion classes are free and for adults aged 18+.

Registration via email is not needed for our digital literacy class “1st steps with computers“.


Our classes are for adults, but MNAs can participate if their tutor or legal representative signs a simple form. Tutors or legal representatives can contact us at and we will share the form with them.


If you have any questions about our courses, please send us an email to