Case-1b1: Your matricule has previously been registered without an associated email, or with a different email. As this email was claimed by somebody else, we removed it from your matricule.
The email you provided above will be associated to your matricule once you submit the form below.
Select your resident status in Luxembourg
Select your first language?
Select your second preferred language?
Select your third preferred language?
What is your highest education level?
What is your learned profession?
What is your current employment status?
What is your country of birth?
What is your first nationality?
Do you have social welfare (AVC)?
How many members living with you does your Luxembourgish household have?
What year did you settle in Luxembourg?
What is your favorite method for password recollection of online accounts?
Did you have a computer 2 years ago?
Do you have a working smartphone?
Do you want to subscribe to Digital Inclusion's newsletter?