Media & News coverage

Media & News coverage on Digital Inclusion:


  • 28.06.2024 Article in the Wort newspaper. Read the article online on the Wort website (article in German)
  • 23.06.2024 National Day award ceremony (subtitles in EN, FR, LU, Arabic and Ukrainian)
  • 23.06.2024 RTL TV interview (with multilingual subtitles), following Patrick de la Hamette’s distinction as ‘Officier dans l’ordre de Mérite du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg – COMING SOON (28.06.2024)
  • 23.06.2024 Le Quotidien article, [Fête nationale] Le Grand-Duc prépare sa succession ([National Day] The Grand Duke prepares His succession). Published on Le Quotidien website.
  • 23.06.2024 RTL News article – Véier Persoune goufen an der Philharmonie ausgezeechent (Four people were honored at the Philharmonie). Published on the website.
  • 23.06.2024 Government News website – National Day 2024. Published on the Government News website. Photo: Copyright RTL/SIP/Gouvernement du Luxembourg.
  • 23.06.2024 Tageblatt – Ausgezeichnet! Diese Luxemburger wurden am Nationalfeiertag geehrt (Honoured! These Luxembourgers were honoured on the national holiday). Published on Tageblatt website.
  • 20.06.2024 Paperjam Magazine – ‘La fracture numérique est devenue beaucoup plus subtile’ (The digital divide has become much more subtle). Published in the July 2024 edition of Paperjam.
  • 05.06.2024 Nexus2050 Interview with Patrick de la Hamette. Published on the Nexus2050 website.
  • 22.05.2024 Silicon Luxembourg – Digital Inclusion Bridges the Digital Divide. Published on Silicon Luxembourg.


  • 17.11.2023 RTL Radio Lëtzebuerg Business – Gratis Computercoursen vun der Digital Inclusion Asbl. Listen to the add on RTL Radio Lëtzebuerg Business starts at 1:26
  • 02.11.2023 Paperjam Magazine – Créer un impact avec son parc informatique
  • 09.10.2023 RTL Radio – Dir gitt net ganz eens op MyGuichet? Digital Inclusion Asbl kann hëllefen! Listen to ‘E gudde Rot-Digital Inclusion’ on RTL Radio Lëtzebuerg
  • 14.06.2023 Radio interview on 100.7 Luxembourg Radio station ‘Liewe fir de Veräin’ Radio 100.7
  • 08.06.2023 Article in – Lions Club Gehaansbierg remet un chèque de 3400€ à Digital Inclusion
  • 07.03.2023 Le Quotidien ‘Digital Inclusion, la porte d’entrée numérique du Grand-Duché’ Le Quotidien
  • 03.03.2023 ‘Rwanda Waste to Resource Project’ Training in Luxembourg – Day 3 at Digital Inclusion (3m:09s)
Digital Inclusion start at 00:03:09
  • 31.01.2023: Article in Luxemburger Wort ‘Dieser Luxemburger Verein lässt Handys und Computer länger leben’ Luxemburger Wort
  • 31.01.2023 : Article in Contacto ‘Associação luxemburguesa prolonga vida de telemóveis e computadores’ Contacto


  • 02.12.2022: Luxembourg’s 1st Interdisciplinary Forum for Digital Inclusion Draws 120+ attendees Chronicle 
  • 10.11.2022 Merkur november/december 2022 “Pour préserver la cohésion sociale, l’inclusion numérique constitue l’un des meilleurs outils” (page 44) Merkur

25.10.2022: Sustainability Awards 2022 – Winner People Category: Digital Inclusion (video with subtitles LU,EN,FR,UKR,AR,FA,TI)

  • 25.10.2022: Sustainability Awards 2022 – Winner People Category: Digital Inclusion (video with subtitles LU,EN,FR,UKR,AR,FA,TI)
  • 21.03.2022 RTL TV(L) Journal 21 March 2022 Digital Inclusion (video with subtitles LU,EN,FR,UKR,AR,FA,TI)


  • 11.10.2021 Article Quotidien ‘Donner un ordinateur, une cléf pour s’aider soi-même’ Le Quotidien


  • 22.03.2020: TV report on RTL Luxembourg ‘Digital Inclusion in action’ (video with subtitles in EN,LU,AR,UKR)


Portrait of Digital Inclusion filmed in 2019 for the occasion of the Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte 75th birthday in 2020. This video has been produced by Welcome to SKIN and Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte (video with subtitles in LU,FR,EN,TI,AR and FAR)


  • 13.10.2018 Luxemburger Wort article ‘Auf der Suche nach alten Handys’ Luxemburger Wort
  • 03.10.2018 Luxemburger Wort article ‘Alte Handys können was’ Luxemburger Wort
  • 20.04.2018 Luxemburger Journal “Eine ganzheitliche Philosophie”
  • 22.02.2018 Article in Delano ‘2 new projects for Digital Inclusion’ Delano
  • 22.02.2018 Tageblatt article ‘Ein Vorzeigeprojekt – Zwei Jahre Digital Inclusion’ Tageblatt


  • 13.12.2017 Silicon Luxembourg article in magazine ‘Integrating Refugees Digitally’ Silicon Luxembourg
  • 12.11.2017 Delano Magazine December edition ‘Access to the Digital world is a necessity’
  • 28.09.2017 Luxemburger Wort article ‘Digitale Inklusion, die soziale Zukunft’
  • 07.09.2017 Article in Le Jeudi ‘Outiller pour intégrer – Agir pour les réfugiés’
  • 03.02.2017 Newspaper article in ‘Journal‘ print


  • 30.09.2016 TV report on ‘Mateneen’ on RTL Luxembourg
  • 15.09.2016 article in Télécran , in German (Thank you Télécran for allowing us to publish the PDF here)
  • 11.02.2016 TV report on RTL Luxembourg, (video at RTL with FR subtitles)