
2024: Distinction Medal “L’ordre de Mérite du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg” awarded to Patrick de la Hamette, with a special mention to all the Team behind Digital Inclusion ASBL.

Photo: Copyright RTL/SIP/Gouvernement du Luxembourg

2022: Winner of the ‘People category’ of the Sustainability Awards 2022, organised by IMS Luxembourg IMS Luxembourg Paperjam Silicon Luxembourg Delano

Digital Inclusion: Winner in People category

2021: Our Project ‘DigiCoach’ has been recognized as Finalist in the European Network of Innovation for Inclusion Call for Good Practices in 2021, in the inclusive Employment Category European Network of Innovation 2021 Personal Digital Coach

2019: Winner of the ‘Communication & Values of the Organisation’ category of the Diversity Awards Lëtzebuerg 2019, organised by IMS Luxembourg

2018:  ‘Coup de Pouce’ prize in the form of an operational collaboration between Digital Inclusion and ING Luxembourg

2018:  ‘prix etika‘ prize for the best independent sustainable project 2018!

2018: National winner of Startup Europe Awards #SEUA17 Luxembourg in the Social category.

2017: Digital Inclusion won the ‘Coup de Coeur’ Award at the 2017 Golden-i conference!