
Opening times

For Donations

Opening Hours

For private donations:
no appointment needed, drop-in Mon-Fri, 9:30-17:30

(more info here)


For donations from companies, please see here.

Monday-Friday, 9:30-18:00.
(Checking computer waiting list applications is only done on Fridays)

For Repairs: only by appointment. please send an email to 

Open Classroom – IT support without appointment

Fridays 9:30-13:30
(last entrance at 13:00)

except for public holidays and announced closures

  • Questions about classes and getting a free computer
  • help setting up and using email
  • troubleshooting for Language Lab
  • help using LuxTrust token and
  • help formatting CV (if you want help creating your CV, please email


Digital Inclusion ASBL has moved!

Our new address: 1, Dernier Sol, Bonnevoie, L-2543

We are now conveniently located just behind the Gare de Luxembourg, making it easy for you to visit us!

By foot: It’s a quick walk from Gare de Luxembourg (see the map below).
By Tram: Hop off at the ‘Leschte Steiwer/Dernier Sol’ stop, and you’ll find our office just a short walk away!

We are open as usual: Mondays – Fridays from 9h30 – 18h00

Update on our activities:

From Monday the 9th of September, ALL our activities and services will take place in our NEW offices. No services will be available at the old offices from 09/09 onwards.

Computer classes: Our computer classes will continue in the OLD offices until 06/09. From 09/09 onwards ALL CLASSES will be in the NEW offices.

Open Classroom: Friday’ Open Classroom will take place in the NEW offices starting from Friday 13/09.

PC Distribution: Computer distribution will take place in the NEW offices from 09/09 onwards.

Volunteer Learning Program: From 09/09 onwards, our Volunteer Learning Programme will take place in our NEW office.

Scroll down for the map.


Location of our classes, workshops and for donations

The address of our premises is:

1, Dernier Sol
L-2543 Luxembourg
(for the asbl’s legal address, see below in section asbl)

Find us on Google Maps here



For general queries and information:

To ask for a computer:

If you would like to receive email updates from us about upcoming classes, events, and new services, you can join our mailing list by clicking here.

You can write to us in French, English or German.


Facebook & Social Media


ASBL contacts



Due to the large population we are in contact with, we are currently not able to offer a public phone number. For matters requesting a phone call, please send us an email with your phone number and we will contact you.