Class Schedule by Language

The 2025 Class Schedule is already available! 2025 Classes Flyer

Digital Inclusion 2024 Classes Flyer (PDF file, English)

🇪🇺  English 2024

1st steps with computers (in English):

1) 12.01, 19.01, 26.01, & 02.02.2024; 15:00-17:00

2) 19.08, 20.08, 21.08, & 22.08.2024; 10:00-12:00

3) 17.09, 24.09, 01.10, & 08.10.2024; 10:00-12:00

2nd steps with computers (in English):

4) 27.02, 28.02, 29.02, & 01.03.2024; 14:00-17:00

5) 26.08, 27.08, 28.08, & 29.08.2024; 09:30-12:30

6) 04.11, 05.11, 06.11, & 07.11.2024; 09:30-12:30

MyGuichet & online services in Luxembourg (in English):

7) 08.03, 15.03, 22.03, & 29.03.2024; 14:00-17:00

8) 02.09, 03.09, 04.09, & 05.09.2024; 09:30-12:30

9) 26.11, 03.12, 10.12, & 17.12.2024; 09:30-12:30

🇱🇺 Luxembourgish 2024

1st steps with computers (in Luxembourgish) / Éischt Schrëtt mam Computer (op Lëtzebuergesch):

10) 08.01, 15.01, 22.01, & 29.01.2024; 10:00-12:00

11) 16.04, 23.04, 30.04, & 07.05.2024; 15:00-17:00

12) 20.09, 27.09, 04.10, & 11.10.2024; 15:00-17:00

2nd steps with computers (in Luxembourgish) / Zweet Schrëtt mam Computer (op Lëtzebuergesch):

13) 19.02, 20.02, 21.02, & 22.02.2024; 09:30-12:30

14) 13.05, 14.05, 15.05, & 16.05.2024; 09:30-12:30

15) 19.11, 20.11, 21.11, & 22.11.2024; 14:00-17:00

MyGuichet & online services in Luxembourg (in Luxembourgish) / MyGuichet & online Servizer zu Lëtzebuerg (op Lëtzebuergesch):

16) 04.03, 11.03, 18.03, & 25.03.2024; 09:30-12:30

17) 05.06, 12.06, 19.06, & 26.06.2024; 09:30-12:30

18) 29.11, 06.12, 13.12, & 20.12.2024; 14:00-17:00

🇫🇷 French 2024

1st steps with computers (in French) / 1ers pas avec les ordinateurs (en français):

19) 11.01, 18.01, 25.01, & 01.02.2024; 10:00-12:00

20) 15.07, 16.07, 17.07, & 18.07.2024; 10:00-12:00

21) 18.09, 25.09, 02.10, & 09.10.2024; 15:00-17:00

2nd steps with computers (in French) / 2èmes pas avec les ordinateurs (en français):

22) 26.02, 27.02, 28.02, & 29.02.2024; 09:30-12:30

23) 22.07, 23.07, 24.07, & 25.07.2024; 09:30-12:30

24) 15.10, 16.10, 17.10, & 18.10.2024; 14:00-17:00

MyGuichet & online services in Luxembourg (in French) / MyGuichet & services en ligne au Luxembourg (en français):

25) 07.03, 14.03, 21.03, & 28.03.2024; 09:30-12:30

26) 29.07, 30.07, 31.07, & 01.08.2024; 09:30-12:30

27) 27.11, 04.12, 11.12, & 18.12.2024; 14:00-17:00

Tigrinya 2024

1st steps with computers (in Tigrinya) / 1ይ ስጕምቲ ኣብ ኣጠቓቕማ ኮምፕዩተር (በትግርኛ ቋንቋ):

28) 10.01, 17.01, 24.01, & 31.01.2024; 10:00-12:00

29) 20.08, 21.08, 22.08, & 23.08.2024; 15:00-17:00

30) 19.09, 26.09, 03.10, & 10.10.2024; 15:00-17:00

2nd steps with computers (in Tigrinya) / 2ይ ስጕምቲ ኣብ ኣጠቓቕማ ኮምፕዩተር (በትግርኛ ቋንቋ):

31) 12.02, 13.02, 14.02, & 15.02.2024; 14:00-17:00

32) 27.08, 28.08, 29.08, & 30.08.2024; 14:00-17:00

33) 22.10, 23.10, 24.10, & 25.10.2024; 14:00-17:00

MyGuichet & online services in Luxembourg (in Tigrinya) / MyGuichet & Co : ድጅታላዊ ኣገልግሎታት ኣብ ላክሰምበርግ (በትግርኛ ቋንቋ):

34) 06.06, 13.06, 20.06, & 27.06.2024; 09:30-12:30

35) 03.09, 04.09, 05.09, & 06.09.2024; 14:00-17:00

36) 28.11, 05.12, 12.12, & 19.12.2024; 14:00-17:00

Arabic 2024

1st steps with computers (in Arabic) / (باللغة العربية) الخطوة الأولى مع الكمبيوتر

37) 09.01, 16.01, 23.01, & 30.01.2024; 10:00-12:00

38) 04.06, 11.06, 18.06, & 25.06.2024; 10:00-12:00

39) 18.09, 25.09, 02.10, & 09.10.2024; 10:00-12:00

2nd steps with computers (in Arabic) / (باللغة العربية) الخطوة الثانية مع أجهزة الكمبيوتر

40) 05.02, 06.02, 07.02, & 08.02.2024; 09:30-12:30

41) 01.07, 02.07, 03.07, & 04.07.2024; 09:30-12:30

42) 21.10, 22.10, 23.10, & 24.10.2024; 09:30-12:30

MyGuichet & online services in Luxembourg (in Arabic) / (باللغة العربية) MyGuichet والخدمات عبر الإنترنت في لوكسمبورغ

43) 16.04, 23.04, 30.04, & 07.05.2024; 09:30-12:30

44) 05.08, 06.08, 07.08, & 08.08.2024; 09:30-12:30

45) 27.11, 04.12, 11.12, & 18.12.2024; 09:30-12:30

Persian 2024

1st steps with computers (in Persian) / (در زبان فارسی) گام اول با رایانه :

46) 10.01, 17.01, 24.01, & 31.01.2024; 15:00-17:00

47) 05.06, 12.06, 19.06, & 26.06.2024; 15:00-17:00

2nd steps with computers (in Persian) / (در زبان فارسی) گام دوم با رایانه :

48) 20.02, 21.02, 22.02, & 23.02.2024; 14:00-17:00

49) 10.09, 11.09, 12.09, & 13.09.2024; 14:00-17:00

MyGuichet & online services in Luxembourg (in Persian) / (در زبان فارسی) یادگیری MyGuichet و خدمات آنلاین در لوکزامبورگ :

50) 18.07, 25.07, 01.08, & 08.08.2024; 14:00-17:00

51) 26.11, 03.12, 10.12, & 17.12.2024; 14:00-17:00

🇵🇹 Portuguese 2024

1st steps with computers (in Portuguese) / Primeiros passos com computadores (em português):

52) 05.03, 12.03, 19.03, & 26.03.2024; 15:00-17:00

53) 19.09, 26.09, 03.10, & 10.10.2024; 10:00-12:00

2nd steps with computers (in Portuguese) / Segundos passos com computadores (em português):

54) 21.05, 22.05, 23.05, & 24.05.2024; 14:00-17:00

55) 11.11, 12.11, 13.11, & 14.11.2024; 09:30-12:30

MyGuichet & online services in Luxembourg (in Portuguese) / MyGuichet e serviços online no Luxemburgo (em português):

56) 04.06, 11.06, 18.06, & 25.06.2024; 14:00-17:00

57) 28.11, 05.12, 12.12, & 19.12.2024; 09:30-12:30

Bosnian / 🇷🇸 Serbian / 🇭🇷 Croatian / Montenegrin 2024

1st steps with computers (in Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin) / Uvod u računala (na bosanskom, srpskom, hrvatskom, crnogorskom jeziku):

58) 19.04, 26.04, 03.05, & 10.05.2024; 15:00-17:00

2nd steps with computers (in Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin) / 2. koraci s računalima (na bosanskom, srpskom, hrvatskom, crnogorskom jeziku):

59) 14.05, 15.05, 16.05, & 17.05.2024; 14:00-17:00

MyGuichet & online services in Luxembourg (in Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin) / MyGuichet brojača I internetskih usluga u Luksemburgu (na bosanskom, srpskom, hrvatskom, crnogorskom jeziku):

60) 06.06, 13.06, 20.06, & 27.06.2024; 14:00-17:00

🇺🇦 Ukrainian 2024

1st steps with computers (in Ukrainian) / 1-ші кроки з комп’ютерами (українською мовою):

61) 07.06, 14.06, 21.06, & 28.06.2024; 15:00-17:00

2nd steps with computers (in Ukrainian) / 2-й крок з комп’ютерами (українською мовою):

62) 08.07, 09.07, 10.07, & 11.07.2024; 09:30-12:30

MyGuichet & online services in Luxembourg (in Ukrainian) / MyGuichet та онлайн-сервіси в Люксембурзі (українською мовою):

63) 19.07, 26.07, 02.08, & 09.08.2024; 14:00-17:00

🇪🇸 Spanish 2024

1st steps with computers (in Spanish) / 1er paso con computadoras (en español):

64) 07.03, 14.03, 21.03, & 28.03.2024; 15:00-17:00

2nd steps with computers (in Spanish) / 2do paso con computadoras (en español):

65) 02.07, 03.07, 04.07, & 05.07.2024; 14:00-17:00

MyGuichet & online services in Luxembourg (in Spanish) / MyGuichet y servicios en línea en Luxemburgo (en español)

66) 17.09, 24.09, 01.10, & 08.10.2024; 14:00-17:00


Digital Coach

The Digital Inclusion coaching service offers one-to-one sessions with our digital coach. Check this page for more information and registration details.

Open Classroom

In our Open Classroom, the Digital Inclusion team offers individual digital literacy support to beneficiaries, including assistance in requesting one of our computers, finding websites, and using online translation tools.

Open Classrooms take place all Fridays, from 09:30 until 13:30 (last entry at 13:00), at our premises.

It’s important to note that Digital Inclusion cannot be held responsible for any actions or procedures carried out by beneficiaries while using the Open Classroom. We also want to emphasize that Digital Inclusion does not assume any liability for the legal, financial, or administrative consequences of any online activities undertaken by beneficiaries.


To register for a class, click on and follow the instructions.

All Digital Inclusion classes are free and for adults aged 18+.