International Women’s Day 2022 (version française ci-dessous)
In celebration of International Women’s Day 2022, Digital Inclusion is delighted to announce an interactive workshop for women on 8th March. All women are welcome to join us.
We will provide some information about laws and rights affecting women and about equality in the workplace in Luxembourg. We will hold a discussion about gender stereotypes and raise awareness about gender (in)equality.
- When: Tuesday 8th March 2022, 15h – 17h
- Who: Women in Luxembourg
- Language: in English with support in French, Arabic and Tigrinya
- Free!
- Where: 16, rue d’Epernay, L-1490 Luxembourg
- How: Places are limited, so please register. Send an email to registration@digital-inclusion.lu including your full name, your social security (CNS) number, and the name of the course ‘Women’s Day’
Digital Inclusion asbl is supported by the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region.
Journée internationale de la femme 2022
Pour marquer la Journée internationale de la femme 2022, Digital Inclusion a le plaisir d’annoncer un atelier interactif le 8 mars. Toutes les femmes sont invitées à participer.
Nous fournirons des informations sur les lois et les droits concernant les femmes et sur l’égalité sur le lieu de travail au Luxembourg. Nous organiserons une discussion sur les stéréotypes de genre et sensibiliserons les gens à l'(in)égalité des sexes.
- Quand : Mardi 8 mars 2022, 15h – 17h
- Qui : Les femmes au Luxembourg
- Langue : en anglais avec un soutien en français, arabe et tigrinya
- Gratuit !
- Où : 16, rue d’Epernay, L-1490 Luxembourg
- Comment : Les places étant limitées, veuillez vous inscrire. Envoyez un e-mail à registration@digital-inclusion.lu en indiquant votre nom complet, votre numéro de sécurité sociale (CNS) et le nom du cours “Journée de la femme”
L’asbl Digital Inclusion est soutenue par le Ministère de la Famille, de l’Intégration et à la Grande Région.
In 2021, Digital Inclusion ran the W.O.W. course – Women Online & @Work – a 6-week course focusing on digital and employment skills for women seeking employment in Luxembourg. Our International Women’s Day session on 08 March 2021 included a special presentation from a Diversity and Inclusion expert about women, employment law, and workplace culture.
International Women’s Day 2020 took place shortly before the first Covid-19 lockdown. Digital Inclusion held a “Women’s Computer Café” aimed at introducing participants to the new DigiCoach project and the free classes available to them, including Digital Literacy, Employability and Language Lab.
For International Women’s Day 2019, Digital Inclusion organized a “Women’s Computer Café” where women met in a relaxed, friendly and supportive environment to improve their computer skills.
In 2018 Digital Inclusion provided free women-only computer classes.
In 2017, Digital Inclusion organized its first women-only workshops, in a partnership with WIDE, and additional support by the US Embassy in Luxembourg.
Below, you find our 2017 offer with WIDE. In 2018, similar subjects will be taught in our women-only classes
Digital Inclusion and WIDE – Women in Digital empowerment would like to invite all women (refugees & locals) interested in computing and digital technology to join Women@Digital-Inclusion!
Our goal is to provide basic and advanced digital skills for all women in Luxembourg.
The project is currently supported by the US Embassy in Luxembourg.
From word processing to web development, the workshops are taking place mostly on Friday afternoons at the premises of Digital Inclusion . The workshops are offered in English, with translation to French and Arabic being available. In addition, the space is open for women every Friday afternoon, including IT support in English and Arabic.
Interested to take part in this project?
Do you want to learn and share what you know?
Get in touch!