In 2018, in a project sponsored by the Oeuvre Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, we joined forces with Caritas Luxembourg to collect smartphones in the Mobile Bag. In 2020, Aarbechtshëllef asbl also joined the project on the operational side.
With the logistical support of Post, the mobile bags are brought to our partner’s workshop (Caritas ran the first workshop, it has now been taken over by Aarbechtshëllef), where recent, eligible Smartphones are filtered out and brought to Digital Inclusion for reuse. Older mobile phones that can’t be reused are manually disassembled by Caritas/Aarbechtshëllef for recycling, also providing employment to those involved.
Digital Inclusion prepares Smartphones for re-use and distributes them to people in need (in Luxembourg). The candidate selection is done in partnership with Caritas, the Red Cross, the immigration office and the Offices Sociaux in Luxembourg.
If you would like to donate a smartphone via the Mobile Bag, find more instructions here.