Computer Application (only for internal CRM testing) We will use this phone number only to send you notifications if a service is ready. Please select who you are: Demandeur de protection internationaleBénéficiaire de protection temporaireResidentSocial Assistant (only for MNA) For the moment we accept applications from Social Assistans only for MNA (unaccompanied minors) Please enter below the data of the beneficiary (unaccompanied minor that you are applying for) Device type: DesktopLaptop Device preference: WindowsMac Device preference: Screen 21 inchesAll-in-one Desktop computeriMacScreen 17-19 inches I am applying for: DesktopLaptopExtra household Desktop I would prefer to get: Screen 21 inchesAll-in-one Desktop computeriMacScreen 17-19 inches I would prefer to get: WindowsMac Device preference: Screen 21 inchesAll-in-one Desktop computeriMacScreen 17-19 inches I am applying for: MyselfMy child I am applying for: Address: Please indicate the quantity of other family members in the household: No other family members12345 Please attach a copy of your ONA file (“pink paper”; ONA number must be visible) with a Direction de l’Immigration stamp from less than 12 months old Maximum file size: 5MB Please attach a copy of “Extrait du registre national” (maximum 2 months old) Maximum file size: 5MB Please attach a copy of the Certificate of Cost-of-living benefit (“allocation vie chère”) from the current year (or the Decision Letter if issued on the current year) Maximum file size: 5MB If the document in the point above does not include the “Matricule” or social security number of your family members, a copy of a “Certificate de résidence elargi” (maximum 12 months old") is required Maximum file size: 5MB Please attach a document of the MNA Maximum file size: 5MB Your message (optional) I accept Data Protection and Privacy Policy of Digital Inclusion